In the fast-paced world of branding, consistency is key. Our brand book serves as a guiding light, ensuring that every interaction with our brand reflects our values and vision. By adhering to these guidelines, we strengthen our brand identity and build trust with our audience.
<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-down-line_gray.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-down-line_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Lumerin Complete Brand Guide PDF
Lumerin - Brandbook - 2024.pdf
Our logo mark has been created from elipses that creates a cluster. This can be applied to designs on it’s own where applicable, or together with the wordmark in the lockup.
<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-down-line_gray.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-down-line_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Downloadable Assets - The logo package includes every lockup/wordmark/logo included in Lumerin’s brand guidelines in PNG and SVG format in black and white colorways.